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USPCA Accomplishments

2005 Region 1 Trial
The USPCA was founded in 1971. Since then, no NOVICE team has accomplished 1st Place Overall as “TOP DOG” in a field trial. However, in 2005, Lazaro and K-9 Mischka attended their first USPCA Region 1 Trial and their performance was exemplary. The following were the awards they both received for the the 2005 USPCA season:
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- Top Novice Award
- “Fred Wheeler Award” (highest obedience and apprehension)
- #1 Obedience
- #1 Search Work
- #1 Criminal Apprehension
- #1 Two Man Team – Inter-Departmental Category
2005 National Championship
- #4 Overall
- #2 Obedience
- #3 Search Work
- #6 Criminal Apprehension
- #3 Region Teams
- Highest Region 1 score at the Nationals
2006 Region 1 Trial
History was once again repeated at the 2006 Region 1 Field trials. For the first time in 35 years, a tie for first place was achieved. At the end of the three day field trial, Lazaro and K-9 Mischka and Ted and K-9 Bodo tied for first place, overall with 687.17 points out of a maximum of 700. Lazaro imported K-9 Bodo and prepared him for most of the USPCA exercises. This is a prime example of the caliber of training and canines that he supplies.
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- #1 Obedience
- #2 Agility
- #1 Search Work
- #1 Criminal Apprehension
- Patrick Cahill Award (highest combined score in obedience and apprehension)
- Tom Larson Award (highest combined score in article search and suspect search)
2006 National Championship
History continued to repeat itself at the 2006 National Championship when Lazaro and K-9 Mischka brought back to Region 1 the National Championship title with a shattering score of 691.83 out of 700. It was in the 1980’s that Mike Clark, of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office had achieved this recognition.
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- #1 Obedience
- #2 Agility
- #1 Search Work
- #1 Criminal Apprehension
- Patrick Cahill Award (highest combined obedience and apprehension)
- Tom Larson Award (highest combined article search and suspect search)
2007 Region 1 Trial
After his triumphant success with K-9 Mischka, Lazaro decided to retire him with National Champsionship honors and began his journey with his new dog, K-9 Tarek. At the 2007 Region 1 Police Dogs Trials, he accomplished for the third year in a row, “Top Dog” along with the following:
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- Fred Wheeler Award (highest obedience and apprehension)
- #4 Obedience
- #2 Agility
- #1 Search Work
- #3 Criminal Apprehension
- #1 Two Man Team Inter-departmental
2007 National Championship
- #2 Overall
- #1 Agility
- #1 Search Work
- #5 Criminal Apprehension (highest Region 1 score in the Nationals)
- #5 Region Team
- Tom Larson Award (highest combined article search and suspect search)
2008 Region 1 Trial
2008 was a remarkable year. Lazaro and K-9 Tarek once again achieved “Top Dog” status making this Lazaro’s fourth consecutive regional championship.
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- #1 Obedience
- #1 Agility
- #4 Search Work
- #1 Criminal Apprehension
- Fred Wheeler Award (highest obedience and apprehension)
- #1 Two Man Team Inter-departmental
2008 National Championship
In 2008, Lazaro and K-9 Tarek set a National record with the highest score at a National Championship with 697.50 out of a possible 700, making this historical event Lazaro’s second National Championship.
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- #1 Obedience
- #2 Agility
- #1 Search Work
- #1 Criminal Apprenension (highest Region 1 score in the Nationals)
- Patrick Cahill Award (highest combined article search and suspect search)
- #2 Region Team
2009 Region 1 Trial
2009 was another outstanding year. Lazaro breaks the Region 1 record for the most consecutive Region 1 Field Trials won (five years in a row).
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- #4 Obedience
- #3 Agility
- #1 Search Work
- #1 Criminal Apprehension
- Fred Wheeler Award (highest obedience and apprehension)
- #1 Two Man Team Inter-departmental
2009 National Championship
In 2009, Lazaro and K-9 Tarek won their second consecutive National Championship with 690.83, making this Lazaro’s third National Championship in five years.
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- #1 Agility
- #5 Search Work
- #2 Criminal Apprehension
- Patrick Cahill Award (highest combined obedience and apprehension)
- #1 Region Team
2010 Region 1 Trial
In 2010, K-9 Tarek had to be taken out of the Region 1 K-9 Trial due to an injury on his shoulders. K-9 Tarek was placed on complete rest for six weeks and was then able to attend the Region 2 K-9 Trial held in Savannah, GA. Lazaro and K-9 Tarek placed first overall.
2010 National Championship
In 2010, after a full recovery and successful regional trial, Lazaro and K-9 Tarek continued to succeed with “Top Dog” honors. Shortly after, K-9 Tarek was retired with honors.
- #1 Overall “Top Dog”
- #1 Agility
- #3 Search Work
- #4 Criminal Apprehension (highest Region 1 score in the Nationals)
- #1 Region Team